

From his Geezer Guardian: “Albert and I didn’t have as much time together as I hoped. He was recovering from surgery when I brought him home with me and I knew we should have lots of fun and hugs with the remaining time we had; and we had a grand old time. My other rescue, Bear, and Albert took a couple of weeks to become buddies, but they would run the fence line together in case there were any ‘intruders’ and I could hear Albert’s very identifiable ‘aruuuuu!’ whenever he caught a scent. He gradually became less able to take an active protection role, but he and Bear still walked down the fence line just in case. The last few weeks with him were special. He craved being outside to lay in the grass in the sun; there were times I had to invite him in or he would have stayed out there all night. From what I was told, Albert had a rough early life and spent years in a cage, so he LOVED being free outside. The last few days he spent more time inside and would lay on the couch next to me and sleep. He was so content being loved and doing whatever he pleased. But, after a few scares and trips to the vet, I knew he would be much more comfortable and happier going over the Rainbow Bridge so he could run through the fields again and never have any more pain. Bear and I sure miss him and it was a very emotional day. So run free, Albert! Play with your buddies and roll in the fresh green grass! We miss you, but you have our love forever.”
