From her Geezer Guardian: “Bonnie was the 4th candidate ‘interviewed’ by my rescue dog Rocky during our Meet & Greet. Bonnie was shy, but she showed interest in Rocky. That afternoon, a great – although short-term – relati0nship was made at the OFSDS heavenly sanctuary. Rocky really liked this shy, sweet girl, probably because he thought he would be dominant. Well, we got home and checked out the yard, where Bonnie quickly learned to push Rocky’s ‘button’. Wow! He was surprised, but even more enamored by this shy but fiesty, pretty girl. That night, they slept together on the same big, round bed. Bonnie was so freightened by loud noises, thunder and rainstorms, but wearing one of my t-shirts calmed her. She was only with us for 1 year and 10 days before cancer came back with a vengeance. We packed a lot in the year she was with us: she loved to go for rides, grocery shopping at Tractor Supply, enjoyed massages & baths, snuggling & woozling her face, going on walks in my neighborhood & my sister’s, running with Rocky around the yard, sleeping & snoring, and eating gourmet meals & tasty, healthy treats. Bonnie was a blessing and I thank God she didn’t suffer long from the cancer. She is missed terribly, but Rocky & I will honor her by finding another senior at OFSDS to bring into our home. Thank you to the medical staff for the care and concern doled out on precious Bonnie; she deserved every bit of it.”