

“Well hello there! I’m Cobbler! I’m a sweet-as-can-be Boxer mix, and I’m a total social butterfly. I make friends with literally anyone, and it takes no time for me to charm my fellow doggies too. Since arriving at the PAWVillions, I’ve been on a journey to gain some weight and improve my health. Some of my favorite things in the world are toys, treats, and spending quality time with my humans. Yep, you could say I’m all about the three T’s! If you want to win me over, the way to my heart is through my belly – whether it’s a belly rub or some delicious food, I’m all in! I do have some skin issues, but don’t worry, I’m getting medicated baths to make me feel as good as new. I’m happy to say that I found my Geezer Guardian in no time! I guess my social skills paid off.”
