“Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Delilah Jean, a sweet senior Dachshund bursting with spunk and affection to spare. Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—I may be the clumsiest canine you’ll ever encounter, but what I lack in grace, I more than make up for in charm! My absolute favorite pastime? Rolling around on the ground, soaking up those glorious belly rubs! When it comes to showing affection, I don’t hold back—I’m an all-or-nothing kind of girl, ready to throw my whole body into cuddles and pets. And let’s be real, I wouldn’t mind being cradled in loving arms all day long! But don’t think I’m all about lounging—I’m always game for a jaunt outdoors, eager to get my steps in and explore the world around me. Meeting new friends? Count me in! Whether they bark or talk, I’m a social butterfly ready to spread joy wherever I go. As fate would have it, I’ve formed a wonderful bond with one of my caretakers here at the sanctuary and I went home with her recently! I absolutely love my new home & family!”