From his Geezer Guardian: “I had the pleasure of bringing Francis home right before Christmas 2020. I immediately fell in love with him; everyone who met him said he had the best personality, and he did. Francis was always the center of attention: he always made his presence known and had two girl dogs that loved him dearly, Old Friend Lollipop and my non-OF 12-year-old. The two girls tolerated each other, but Francis was king of the house. I loved looking over and watching him sleep with his big ears laying over his face. He was very sociable and, besides food and sleeping, loved to cuddle and bark out back in the woods. The whole family loved Francis dearly and we all miss him, especially the two girl dogs. My biggest regret is that I did not bring him home sooner; I would give anything to have been able to spend more time with him. WE LOVE YOU FRANCIS!!”