

“Hi, my name is Guinness! I’m a small (16.5 lbs) rat terrier mix. I love people and will follow you around like a little shadow. I also have kidney disease, but this is managed with a prescription diet! Here are some other facts about me:

Dog friendly

Potty trained

Kid friendly✔

Love short walks(I have a little bit of arthritis so I can’t walk too far)✔

Seperation anxiety, probably not a good fit for someone with a busy schedule 🚫

If I sound like a good fit, let’s meet!”


Hi, Future Geezer Guardian!

Our primary goal at OFSDS is to find lifelong placements for senior dogs where they can live the remainder of their lives as a part of a family. Most of our Old Friends that you see at the Sanctuary are available through our forever foster program.

Through sponsorships, donations, and grants, we provide medical care and basic needs to the dogs living in forever foster homes.

Being a Geezer Guardian to an Old Friend is different than fostering for other rescues in that we hope that our Guardians will be forever homes for the remainder of their Geezer’s life. Geezer Guardians must be within 100 miles of Mt. Juliet, TN, as we expect our Old Friends to continue seeing our in-house veterinarian. If you live outside our 100-mile radius and would like to adopt a senior dog, we recommend contacting your local shelter as there are many senior dogs in need of loving retirement homes. You may also consider sponsoring an Old Friend by clicking “Sponsor” on that Old Friend’s profile page!

Because our main goal is to place senior dogs in safe, lifetime homes, we do not charge any fees. For more information or to apply to be a Geezer Guardian, click here.
