

From his Geezer Guardians: “Our sweet Herschel, AKA The Man, Hershey Man, Big Man on Campus, Sugar Boy. We brought him home in February 2021. He had many health issues so we knew he wouldn’t be with us long, but we loved him so much and are heartbroken. Though he couldn’t see or hear well, he had many joys in life. He loved warm, soft blankets that had to be just right before he would lay down, ear rubs, lots of food, laying by the fire, and, though he wasn’t so sure about them at first, grew to love snuggles. He loved feeling the sunshine, but the temperature had to be just right; if it was too cold or hot, he would bark to come back in. We often joked there was no way he was found on the street like we were told because he was so bougie about temperature. We often had to carry him outside or to his food and water bowl because he couldn’t see or, towards the end, get around well. We did this so much that our two-year-old daughter says ‘Herschel me’ when she wants to be picked up. He was a sweet boy and we are happy to have had him be part of our family, even if for a short while.”
