

As told by his Geezer Guardians: “From the moment I met Jake, I knew he was coming home with us; it was love at first sight. Jake was the sweetest boy, the biggest baby, and a great big goofball all rolled into one perfect package. He was such an endearing dog you couldn’t help but fall in love with. Jake loved sticks and had a tendency to steal our firewood for himself. He loved to roll around and scratch his back in the grass, and would freeze with all four paws in the air if you bent down to give him a belly rub. He loved blankets and would suck on them like a pacifier when he was excited or going to sleep. He loved to snuggle and be cuddled like a giant body pillow. He loved car rides and would get so excited whenever we picked up his leash and the car keys. He loved laying his head in daddy’s hand for one of his great ear scratches. Most of all, Jake loved when mommy would scratch and kiss his face and tell him he was her bestest good boy. He would purr like a cat whenever mommy would give him kisses. Our love for Jake is immeasurable and losing him has been incredibly heartbreaking. The void his absence has left in our home is immense. RIP our baby Jakey. You will always be our bestest good boy and you will never be forgotten.”
