
Kim Possible

From her Geezer Guardian: “What to say about Kim Possible… What is there not to say about her? She was the sweetest, smartest, bossiest dog ever. If she wanted to play at 3 o’clock in the morning, you got up and played with her at 3 o’clock in the morning. Being blind did not handicap her one bit. She learned this house so well and so quickly. She loved to be held and snuggled until it was time to go to sleep and then she wanted down so she could stretch out on her rug. The only time I ever got to hold her when she was asleep was the last two weeks when she was so sick. When I would be working, she would sleep beside me. If I was in a meeting, someone never failed to ask, ‘What’s that sound?’ And my answer would always be, ‘It’s my dog snoring.’ At first they didn’t believe me because surely to goodness nothing could snore that loudly. I tilted my laptop down so that they could see and hear her for themselves. They were shocked that such a big sound could come from such a tiny body. But eventually her little body got tired. And it wasn’t fair to ask her to stay when she felt so bad. In the end, she just wanted me to hold her while she slept. I want everyone at OFSDS to know how much I appreciate everything they did for her. But mainly for loving her for the little celebrity that she was.”
