


As told by her Geezer Guardian: “If you knew Maisy you loved her. We liked to fondly refer to as the best #badbeagle. Our time together wasn’t long enough (it never is, is it?), but we loved her every day for the nearly 3.5 years she was with us. Maisy was a professional at following her nose and getting into mischief; no garbage can was safe if we forgot to put it up on the counter and boy did she make us pay any time we forgot. It was hard to stay mad at her for any amount of time, though, when she looked at you with those sweet, big, brown eyes as if to say, ”and I’d do it again!” She has certainly left a very quiet void in our home; along with her deviated septum came very loud snoring and snuffling, which was like our own little living white noise machine. It’s too quiet now without her. We miss her deeply every day and will love her for always. We love you, MiMi.
