
Mr. Bean & Sir Benny Hill

“Greetings! We are Mr. Bean (10 years old, tan) & Sir Benny Hill (15 years old, black & tan), and we are quite the pair of bonded Chihuahuas. I, Mr. Bean, am very friendly and love all people! Sir Benny Hill, however, is a bit more – shall we say – particular about who he allows to interact with him; if you are chosen, though, be prepared for lots of cuddles. We are so pleased to share that we have found our perfect forever home! Not only have we gained two wonderful Guardians, but also two new canine sisters: Paisley and Gypsy Grace! We think it’s safe to say there is a lot of fun in our future!”

From his Geezer Guardians: “We shared 18 months with our spicy little Sir Benny Hill. He spent his time wrapped up in warm blankets, enjoying pup cups and letting everyone in the house know who was in charge. We miss him running for breakfast and barking in the morning for extra cheese. Until we meet again, thank you sweet Ben.”

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Some of Sir Benny Hill &
Mr. Bean’s Friends
