Mr. Mr.
From his Geezer Guardian: “Goodbye Mr. Mister. I was blessed to be his forever foster for 3 years, from 14-1/2 to 17-1/2 years old. He was an amazing, handsome dog and I could see his youthful independence from the day I brought him home. Mr. Mister was almost completely blind and deaf and showed signs of dementia. He did a lot of walking, which kept strong and spry. He was so sweet and it took him a while to reach out to us for his rigorous body rubs several times a day. He was a very disciplined dog, didn’t bark or bite, and we so appreciated his demeanor. I know he felt safe and loved. I never imagined I would grow to love him so quickly and deeply. We miss him and are forever grateful for Old Friends who supported us in taking care of Mr. Mister and gave us the opportunity to love this very sweet dog. BTW, those of you who followed Mr. Mister, aka ‘The Inspector,’ on the live feed at Old Friends, I changed his hair cut because he looked so young and handsome with short hair and a trim muzzle!!!“