From her Geezer Guardian: “Patch came to OFSDS in pretty bad shape. But thank God those miracle workers at the sanctuary put in the love, time and work to restore her to full health. When I first brought her home, poor little Patch couldn’t even walk to the corner and back without a break. But in true Border Collie style, she gave it her all a little more each day until eventually it was no effort for her to walk our 1.5-mile route each and every morning. Having come to live with me in the height of the pandemic, from day one Patch sat next to my desk daily as I worked from home and was my faithful companion in all ways. Whether at our home in Tennessee or our 2nd home out in Colorado, Patch was never as content as when she was sitting out on the deck – regardless of the weather! Dear Sweet Patch, my loyal little friend – may you spend eternity feeling the cool breeze on your face and keeping a herding dog’s watch over a beautiful view. I will forever picture you that way.”