From one of her beloved caretakers: “Shasta had to be one of the calmest souls I’ve ever met. She loved sitting outside and feeling the sun and breeze on her face, almost as much as she loved her favorite human in the whole world. The fact that he works in medical—objectively a dog’s least favorite place to be—shows she was also smart, kind, and nonjudgmental.” 🥺❤🌈
From her favorite person, one of our PT staff: “Shasta came into the sanctuary with Iggy, her much younger bonded buddy. Shasta loved her favorite couch and would relax and nap on it throughout the day. Getting up only to stretch, potty, and for mealtimes. She always looked forward to spending time with the physical therapy team; she really enjoyed the attention. In the past few months, as her mental and physical health declined, Shasta enjoyed going for leisurely walks, laying in the sunshine, and resting on the laps of her caretakers. We hope that it is raining chicken meatballs on your side of the bridge sweet girl!” ❤❤