From his Geezer Guardian: “Wally had lived with me since September 14, 2019. I originally came to OFSDS specifically for Wally; his photo had been on the website. I was brought into the large room with what seemed like hundreds of small dogs running loose. Nearly all of them immediately gathered round me. I looked towards Wally who was just getting out of his bed and saw him come to the edge of the ‘mob.’ He stayed for a moment then, with a big sigh, returned to his bed. It was as if he were thinking, ‘There’s no point. I won’t be picked.’ It was my first glimpse of what a sweet, sensitive ‘good boy’ he proved to be. He was always kind to other dogs and quick to show affection, for instance making a big production of welcoming me home when I returned. He was a talker, too, responding enthusiastically with his own ‘voice’ when I held him on my lap and told him how handsome he was. His excitement at mealtime—his eyes round and shining while he bounced around—was infectious! My other Shih Tzu, Jesse, and I miss him very much. I’m so grateful OFSDS made our too-short time together possible.”