From his Geezer Guardian: “A little dog with a big heart. We have never been little dog people, or so we thought until Hank entered our lives and changed them forever. He touched our hearts in so many ways and was such a special guy. Hank loved people. I find it comforting that he touched the lives of so many people. Staff and volunteers at Old Friends loved him, and my husband and I are so blessed we got to spend the last three years with him; it sounds like a short time, but for a dog like Hank it can be a lifetime. We only hope we gave him as much love, joy, and comfort as he gave to us. There will never be another like him. It’s been a week as I write this, and we are still hurting very much. As many dogs as we have, the house still feels off without Hank bouncing around and making us laugh because he was always so silly. We hope he found some friends across the Rainbow Bridge to keep him company until we meet again. He never met a stranger, and he has a special place in our hearts now and forever. Rest in Peace Baby Hank. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. Until we meet again, keep hopping and running free.”