Old Friends' Recipes

Treat your Old Friend (or even your young friend)! Always consult your veterinarian before altering your pet’s diet.
OFSDS Auntie Stew
All amounts are approximate and fill a 22 quart crock pot/roaster right to the top when done. Put all of these items in together:
18-20 lbs boneless chicken breasts and thighs (a mixture or whichever is on sale)
6 lbs whiting, dressed and headless, bones are ok, they will turn to mush when cooked
20oz chicken livers
20oz chicken gizzards
5 lbs carrots
4lbs frozen green beans
2 lb can 100% pumpkin
3 pounds apples
6-7 big sweet potatoes
Cook all of this together at about 250 degrees for 12 hours or more. When it is done, process it with a hand blender or in loads in a food processor.
Then add:
A big tub (2 lb) plain low fat yogurt
2c 100% natural psyllium fiber – you can get it unflavored/unsweetened on Amazon. Do not use artificially sweetened.
1c coconut oil (best price on Amazon)
1/2 cup turmeric
You’ll end up with something very much the consistency of canned dog food but it’s so much better. It’s a great place to hide medications and the gang loves it. It freezes really well if you have too much for a few days. We give each dog a big spoonful on top of a good quality dry dog food at each meal.
Scaled-down Auntie Stew (for regular sized dog families):
All amounts are approximate. Put all of these items in a crock-pot together.
2 lbs boneless chicken breasts and thighs (a mixture or whichever is on sale)
1 lbs whiting or catfish
1/4 lb chicken livers and/or gizzards
1/2 lb carrots
1 12 oz box frozen green beans
1/2 cup pumpkin
1 apple
1 small sweet potato
Cook all of this together in a crockpot for 12 hours or more, when it is done process it with a hand blender or in loads in a food processor.
Then add:
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 cup psyllium fiber. Do not use artificially sweetened.
a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil
1 tbsp turmeric

Dried Sweet Potato Chews
You’ll love making this sweet potato dog chew recipe for your dog because sweet potatoes are loaded with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients. They are rich in Vitamin A, C and E, Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium. They also contain valuable anti-inflammatory nutrients, and are classified as an anti-diabetic food. They received this title because animal studies have found that sweet potatoes help stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance.
2-3 Large Sweet Potatoes, washed thoroughly and dried
Preheat oven to 110° C (250° F). Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
Cut off one side of the sweet potato lengthwise, as close to the edge as possible. Cutting the side of the potato first allows you to then turn the potato onto this flat surface that you have just created. Having a stable area to rest the potato will make it easier to cut the potato into slices. Don’t discard that first piece, it comes out just as yummy as the rest!
Cut the rest of the potato into slices, no smaller than 1/4″ and place them on the prepared baking sheets.
Bake for 3 hours, turning over after 90 minutes. (Baking for 3 hours results in a soft, but chewy dog treat. If your dog prefers more of a crunch, then bake for an additional 20-30 minutes.)
When you take the sweet potatoes out of the oven, they may at first appear to be too soft. Let them cool completely on a wire rack before you decide whether or not to bake them longer. This is because they will continue to dry or harden while cooling.
Storing: Although these treats are dried, you will want to keep them in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. You can freeze them.

Tummy-Tempting Chicken Soup Cookies
1 c. ground high-quality dry dog food kibble
2 cups Bisquick baking mix
1 18.8 oz can Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Soup (I buy Roasted Chick w/Country Vegetables)
Preheat oven to 350.
Ground kibble in food processor or blender and grind to a coarse flour. Measure 1 c. after grinding.
Mix kibble, and remaining ingredients until well combined and drop by teaspoon onto greased cookie sheets.
Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Store in airtight container in refrigerator.
Makes about 50 to 60 bite-size treats.
My pups just love these! The chunks of veggies in them just add to them, I think.

Almost Frosty Paws
32 oz. vanilla yogurt
1 large mashed banana (or a large jar of baby food banana)
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
2 tablespoons of honey
Blend together and freeze in small Dixie Cups, plastic “take out” containers, or an ice cube tray. If using Dixie Cups, just peel away the paper and put directly into their food bowl to serve. You can let them “warm up” for 10-15 min. before serving. Cats like them unfrozen!

Happy Healthy Dog Treats
By: Raine
3 cups instant oats
1 Apple
1 Banana
Grated sweet potato
Generous amount of peanut butter
Squeeze of molasses
Squeeze of honey
Blend together in blender. Shape how ever you like. Bake till slightly hard and golden but still chewing. Serve.

Homemade Pill Pockets
By: Katherine Ferrini
Mix 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of peanut butter and water to moisten a bit. Knead dough, form balls, make a pocket for the pill. Chill or keep in freezer, pull out how many you need. You can add pure pumpkin to the dough also.

Dog Food For Renal Disease
By: Michelle
2 lbs hamburger
6 boiled eggs
1 16 oz can green beans, drained
1 microwaved sweet potato
2 c uncooked rice
1 15 oz can pumpkin
1 chopped apple
1/4 c fresh parsley
Brown hamburger, do not drain.
Cook rice.
Mix all ingredients in food processor or blender except 1/4 of cooked hamburger and rice. I did individual ingredients in batches and combined all in large roasting pan and mixed with gloved hands. Lastly, mix rest of hamburger, including drippings, and rice.
Freeze in 1 or 2 cup servings.
I made this every 3 weeks for 30 lb pup. She loved it and vet said it extended her life by a year.
Always consult your veterinarian before altering your pet’s diet.

Easy Limited Ingredient Chicken Broccoli Stew
By: Candace Fach
1 package of ground chicken or turkey
2-3 boneless chicken breasts
5 sweet potatoes, cut and peeled
1 bag frozen broccoli and cauliflower
1/2 can pumpkin
Pinch rosemary
Throw all ingredients in crockpot and cook on low for approx 6 hrs.
Mash cooked ingredients up and serve 2-3 tablespoons on your dog’s favorite dry food!

Dog Food for Heart Disease
By: Stephanie Vickers
Whole organic chicken – have butcher ground entire chicken (bone, skin, cartilage)
Bone broth
1 cup broccoli
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup snap green beans
1 cup carrots
1 cup kale
1 cup seaweed
1 scoop turmeric
1 cup flaxseed (optional)
2 cups whole oats
All ingredients can be found at Whole Foods. Cook chicken, vegetables, turmeric, and flax seed (optional) in dutch oven with enough bone broth to provide moisture to the vegetables. Let cool before adding whole oats to the mix.
A note from Stephanie:
After my dog was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and a fib, which my vet and the vet specialist informed me was probably due to her no grain diet that I had fed her for years, I started making my dog this recipe because I believed that I knew what was going into it and if I supplemented this recipe with her vitamins and now prescription medication that she would be better off.

Louie’s Meatloaf
By: Amy Schwindt
3 pounds of ground turkey or ground chicken breast (best option)
2 eggs
1 can of mackerel or salmon (add bones* and liquid)
*bones soften and turn to mush when baked. Great source of calcium and omega 3!
2 cups of frozen chopped spinach
Preheat oven to 350F
Lightly oil an 8×8 glass baking dish
Mix all ingredients well and press into the baking dish
Cover and bake 45-60 minutes
A note from Amy: Louie is a 13 year old Chihuahua and can no longer tolerate the high quality highly processed kibble. I weigh out a 3oz cube at both meals and add either a tablespoon or two of cooked brown rice or cooked oatmeal. I mix it together for him and warm it lightly. He is a new dog because of his highly nutritious and wholesome meals! No more chronic diarrhea and vomiting and no more vet bills……YAY!